- Customer Rating:
- Created: 2016-05-05
- Last Update: 2020-04-20
- Downloads: 85 (view statisticsnew)
- Available at: templatemonster.com
Description by Author
Coffeera is a responsive Coffee House WooCommerce Theme with a crisp clear-cut look. As any other design from our new series of GPL-compatible themes Coffeera boasts a powerful multifunctional customize r able to transform your online store in no time. This theme combines classic flat design with creative elegant typography , provides you with rich ecommerce-oriented functionality and contemporary visual features. Additionally, it offers broad possibilities for marketing being supplied with newsletter subscription forms, social sharing buttons and widgets, and several blog layouts and post formats . The layout of this theme can be customized in a couple of clicks by picking one of the available header, footer and sidebar styles .

Theme category
Advanced Theme Options calendar Commenting System Crossbrowser Compatibility Drop Down Cart dropdown menu Favicon google map google web fonts sample content Social Options tabs Tag Cloud tooltips MailChimp Ready Template Facebook Like Box twitter feed admin panel MotoPress Slider responsive retina ready Search Engine Friendly wpml ready Cherry Framework 5
Software Required
Adobe Photoshop CS+, Apache Server, For uncompressing a template ZIP package: WinZip 9+ (Windows); Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac), WordPress 4.2.x-4.6.x, WordPress 4.2.x-4.7.x
Sources Available
.PSD, .PHP, This theme is widgetized
Cumulative sates for this Theme (last month)
Daily Sales for this Theme(last 30 days)
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WordPress Theme Installation / Wordpress Migration / Transfer / Cloning / Change Domain
Our Services as follows:
- WordPress Installation. Free
- Installation of Themeforest theme $49
- Installation of Templatemonster theme $39
- Adding plugins to WordPress $29
- Renaming menu $45
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