- Customer Rating:
- Created: 2016-04-26
- Last Update: 2018-05-06
- Downloads: 1342 (view statisticsnew)
- Available at: themeforest.net
Latest Customer Reviews
With Tickera standard I can use scanners and/or a mobile apps to scan barcodes on location. At the same time, I can monitor how many people and wich people are already inside. I fully customized this theme to a next level. Yes you need some basic HTML/CSS/Java skills.
4 star because you still need upgrades to use this theme for next level purposes. This can become expensive.
Thanks guys! Keep up the good work.
Description by Author
MESH WordPress Theme allows you to play music continuously, sell tickets, book events and includes 6 months support.
We’ve MESHed together all the key features needed for entertainment websites. MESH is perfectly tailored to meet your multi-media needs and innovates on every level. Give it a try and convince yourself.
Now you can download FREE PSDs of MESH
Yes, even if you didn’t purchased your MESH license yet, you can download the free PSDs. Why? Because we think your client will be much more happier to see a personalized design with their brand instead of a theme demo where they need to imagine how their logo, colors or images will look.This way, together, we can convert more.
We are one of the best authors in the Entertainment Themes niche
We already have 2 themes (Clubix & Colibri) helping thousands of entertainment websites to reach their audience in a big way. We are also helping global superstars (as you see above) to get their official sites done. We love this niche and that’s why we are so involved in it.Sell tickets right away – commission FREE
This feature can cost A LOT if you want to develop it by yourself. With MESH however, it’s FREE and you can start selling tickets in no-time and more important without commissions. Just watch this video about how Tickera works. Still not impressed? Your client will certain be!MESH’s Happy Fans
Enjoy the MESH experience. Your fans certainly will!
Support Policy
If you need support, we are here to help. Just open a ticket on our help platform. However, there are some rules on what support is or is not.We can help you with:
- Responding to questions or problems regarding the item and its features
- Fixing bugs and reported issues
- Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software versions
We can’t help you with:
- Move the element “X” or change the color of the element “Y”
- WordPress general how to’s (please, use wordpress.org for that)
- Customization and installation services
- Support for third party software and plug-ins
- Individual server issues
You can read more about item support policy here.
MESH’s Changelog
27 April 2017 – v.2.1.6
- We have solved some issues with the music player;
21 April 2017 – v.2.1.6
- Visual composer update to 5.1.1; - The issue of events calendar when you have an event that is between two months now is solved;
5 December 2016 – v.2.1.0
- Updated Visual composer to its last version.
27 August 2016 – v.2.0.9
- Now you can get your current playing track from Shoutcast (v1 + v2) and also IceCast. MESH just became more awesome. - Added option to use the minified scripts for the theme so your website can run faster. - Solved ‘comment’ button appearing on posts that don’t have comments active. - Updated language .pot file. - Added a new icon for the social icons (mail icon).
19 August 2016 – v.2.0.8
- WooCommerce Compatible – this is an important notice. 2.0.8 is the first version of MESH compatible with WooCommerce. However, take notice that you cannot use WooCommerce & Tickera’s cart at the same time without the premium extension called “Bridge for WooCommerce” from Tickera. In the next versions we will find a solution for the Cart problem which need to be either from Woo or Tickera at the moment. In the near future we’ll update the theme to support both carts at the same time. - Solved problems with the player external URLs not being escaped. - Solved more translatable dates on events. - On/Off option for the Social Share buttons. - On/Off option for the map on the contact page. - On/Off option for the download image button on each image lightbox. - Added new post type for Radio Shows. Now you don’t have to use the Events from Tickera for the radio shows. In addition to this, the radio shows are automatically ordered by the next streaming date & hour and you can set complex recurrences for each radio show. - Added 2 new buttons in player: shuffle & repeat. - Automatic translatable months. - More options for the carousel shortcode so you can choose which categories to show. - Solved pagination for Albums. - Fixed bug on the mega-menu. - The MESH Timber plugin it’s not needed anymore. - Updated language .pot file. - A lot of visual fixes on responsive. - A new demo added (BAND). - Improved the music players: now you can set a hole album to be played by default when the websites loads + next/prev buttons. - One new big logo for the light version of the menu. - Footer coming over the content solved. - Bugs on single album and event pages. - Solved google maps api key issue.
7 July 2016 – v.2.0.5
Yes, it’s here! After more than 200 hours of work here it is: MESH2! Take care when you update to this version because many options have changed so you may encounter some differences and you will have to go to the Customizer or MESH Options and re-make some settings. ???? Some things that have changed: - Typography options – now you can customize the fonts of the theme. - Colors options – now you can modify all the colors of the theme’s background, text, overlays and more. - New Players – there are 2 new players in town and you can find them in Visual Composer. - Many CSS fixes – yes, there was a lot of work on the CSS part of the theme. Many things like the mobile version of the theme have changed a bit. - Covers Options – you know that for any page you can add cover images. Now you can manipulate the overlay opacity of it. - Page Options – we’ve also added some new page options where you can enable/disable the header or footer for any page, or you can play with other options like menu types. - ShoutCast Radio V1 Now Playing – now you can show what song is playing on your radio in MESH Player. Your server should support the fsockopen function for this one to work. In the near future we’ll make shoutcast v2 and icecast the same way. - Carousel Content Shortcode – now has options for how many events/artists or categories to show. - Photo Download Button – for each photo in the photo albums now you can download them. - Instagram Solved – there was a problem with Instagram since 1st of June. Now it’s solved. - Solved cart icon appearing on mobile even if it was disabled. - We tried to solve a problem that appeared on the header sometimes when you were navigating through the pages. - Solved problem with reseting settings after update. - Solved problem with sharing buttons that didn’t shared the right urls. - Solved google maps problem. - Added light demo settings. - Home dates solved; - Header search on/off; - Customizable text size for menu; - Option for gray text color in the footer; - Solved the issue on the search icon hidding; - Added new type of events listing (list type); - Added footer background image option; - Updated TGM activation plugin; - 2 more demos; - Fixed problem hen it’s too little content and the footer floats in the page; - Added a small feedback on the header buttons on mobile; - Solved time format issue; Now you need to select the time format for the events from your WP backend; - Solved spelling issue in word “favorite” from the twitter widget;
21 May 2016 – v.1.1.6
- You can play SoundCloud tracks now. - Removed the buy tickets icon from events calendar. - We have changed the events display logic. Now you have 3 types of displaying events: upcoming events, past events and current events. The default event page will turn into upcoming events by default so you will need to create other 2 pages for past events & current events. - Updated the mesh.pot translation file. - Updated the TCM Shortcodes plugin.
18 May 2016 – v.1.1.4
- Added AJAX function when you add to cart a ticket to update the number from the header cart; - Added 9 more custom loaders + light/dark color scheme for each of them; - Solved an issue on the event countdown widget; - Updated the TCM Shortcodes plugin where it was a problem with the pagination of the blog shortcode when you added it to the homepage of the website; - Updated the mesh.pot localization file; - Don’t preload tracks – problem solved on the player shortcodes; - Solved issue on the album tracks where the time of the tracks was not loaded; - Solved css issues on the loaders; - Improved the loading of the fonts from Google; - Solved visual issue on the album download button; - Solved visual issue on Firefox on input labels; - Added child theme in the package;
9 May 2016 – v.1.1.0
- Added custom CSS & JS boxes; - Solved some translation problems in TCM Shortcodes plugin; - Timber plugin changed;
4 May 2016 – v.1.0.7
- Solved players issue not working; - Solved Tickera issue with can't download ticket; - Solved problems with cover images; - Updated TCM Book Events;
30 April 2016 – v.1.0.4
- Solved many CSS & JS issues; - Changed video background option from page in customizer; - Added AutoPlay option to the music player; - Added automatical updates;
26 April 2016 – v.1.0.0
- Initial release of MESH;
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WordPress Theme Installation / Wordpress Migration / Transfer / Cloning / Change Domain
Our Services as follows:
- WordPress Installation. Free
- Installation of Themeforest theme $49
- Installation of Templatemonster theme $39
- Adding plugins to WordPress $29
- Renaming menu $45