- Customer Rating:
- Created: 2015-11-19
- Last Update: 2018-06-05
- Downloads: 2600 (view statisticsnew)
- Available at: themeforest.net
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WorkScout is a fully functioning job board Theme for WordPress developed with the popular free WordPress Plugin WP Job Manager.
It integrates beautifully and simply and can be extended with a few extensions and Plugins so that you can build your very own feature rich job marketplace!
Perfect for recruiters, employment agencies and any kind of job office you can think of, WorkScout has been developed top down with WP Manager and their add-ons.
This means you can pick and choose which add-ons suits your needs with the knowledge that everything will run as smooth as silk, right from your WP admin dashboard.
WorkScout: Simple, elegant, extensive, professional.
Important: full demo functionality shown is only available with additional paid plugins. Demo version without the premium plugins is here.
Extend with add-on features you need
WP Job Manager
Work Scout has been Developed from the ground up to extend Mike Jolley?s WP Job Manager Plugin and all of its extensions.Resume Manager
Developed for full compatibility with Resume Manager, empower your users to signup and upload their resume, or complete their own using our predefined resume submission form.All of this is seamlessly integrated and managed via your WordPress admin.(Plugin sold separately)
Application Deadline
Further extend your functionality with Application Deadline – and give your users the tools to apply, review and manage job applications from your job dashboard. (Plugin sold separately)Job Alerts
One for the user! This extension, Job Alerts, will allow any registered user to save their searches and manage alerts as new jobs become available. Users can select email daily, weekly or even fortnightly. (Plugin sold separately)Bookmarks
As a recruiter you often need a quick way to manage your lists. With the Bookmarks add-on you can take full use and simplicity of the bookmarking system. Add notes to those bookmarks and never lose track again. As a job hunter you can add bookmarks to jobs and as an employer you can add bookmarks to candidates resumes. (Plugin sold separately)WC Paid Listings
Take your job network to the next level when you upgrade to WC Paid Listings. With this add-on you can create a full feature marketplace that includes eCommerce charging (paid listing functionality) for uploading jobs/resumes. Requires the WooCommerce plugin. (Plugin sold separately)Visual Composer
Work Scout comes bundled with Visual Composer so Page Building has never been simpler or more flexible. All with a very familiar UX right from within your WP dashboard (Plugin bundled with purchase)Revolution Slider
Revolution Slider sets the benchmark for other Sliders to mimick, but you won?t need to worry about that as it comes complete with Work Scout (Plugin bundled with purchase)Advanced filters for job listings
– provide a professional approach to Search for jobs.Salary/Rate filter settings exclusive to Work Scout – not found in any other Job Board for WordPress, Work Scout has unique filters for Salaries and Rates making it much easier for candidates to Filter and find relevant job ads.
Mobile ready – developed with mobile in mind, Work Scout will work seamlessly across all of your mobile devices including Desktop, Laptop, Tablets and Mobile/Cell Phones. Every user will have that familiar experience using our user-centric custom designed styles.
Fully Responsive – developed using the latest coding and development techniques, so that you will never have to. Work Scout is designed with you in mind to be simple and familiar to use while boosting productivity by creating a system that just works.
Recommended Plugins
The recommended plugins are designed to be used as required so you are not paying for anything you don?t need. The following plugins are developed with WorkScout and WP Job Manager.
Simply choose the ones you need, download and upload to your WordPress site, no messy coding needed.
Important: full demo functionality shown is only available with additional paid plugins. Here’s the list of all paid plugins – you can currently buy all of them in Core add-on bundle for just 125$ (instead of 357$ if you’d like to buy them separately)
Why is it worth buying WP Job Manager Add-ons? WP Job Manager is now part of Automattic (so the company behind the WordPress) and was created by Mike Jolley (the guy who makes WooCommerce) – I don’t think there’s a better guarantee that this plugins will work and will be supported and developed in the future – not like other solutions with custom made code that could be discontinued any moment.
- Resume Manager: https://wpjobmanager.com/add-ons/resume-manager/
- Job Alerts: https://wpjobmanager.com/add-ons/job-alerts/
- Paid Listings Application: https://wpjobmanager.com/add-ons/simple-paid-listings/
- Application Deadline: https://wpjobmanager.com/add-ons/application-deadline/
- Bookmarks: https://wpjobmanager.com/add-ons/bookmarks/
- Job Applications: https://wpjobmanager.com/add-ons/applications/
- WP Job Manager: https://wpjobmanager.com/
- All add-ons: https://wpjobmanager.com/add-ons/
Version 31.05.2017 * Option to hide jobs counter on jobs page * Control homepage search bar size and title in Customize settings (Customize -> Jobs Options -> Jobs Home Page Options) * Overlay color search banner (Customize -> Jobs Options -> Jobs Home Page Options) * Control over Job Overview elements (you can hide job title, date etc) (Customize -> Jobs Options -> Single Job Options) * login redirect to page the login form was opened on * Option to add categories dropdown to search banner on homepage (Customize -> Jobs Options -> Jobs Home Page Options) * job spotlight and recent posts elements have option to limit text by words or characters * and some more small fixes Version 03.05.2017 * small design change - rounded corners make it softer and nicer * fixed map issue on IE * latest Revolution Slider Version 25.04.2017 * latest Visual Composer and RevolutionSlider * all date formats now use the format set in WordPress Settings * fixed issue with function return value * Option to hide RSS button * Option to set header breakpoints for alternative layout * Fixed problem with filters while map is disabled * Fixed issue with Page with Jobs Filters redirecting to Browse Jobs on search Version 20.04.2017 * fixed issue with disappearing keyword field * option to remove role from sign up * deadline and expired field added as options to job meta * resume region archive added * small CSS issues fixed Version 18.04.2017 * options to show/hide job meta data (Customize -> Jobs Options -> Jobs List) * fixed and improved reset/rss/alert buttons * option to limit location search by country (Customize -> Maps Options) * job categories boxed switched to flex layout (can be turned off) for better responsivness * fixed "lost password" form issue * "Job with filters" page template - use job shortcode (now as VC element) with different option on various pages * updated Font Awesome icons * some various smalll fixes and improvements * WooCommerce 3.0.3 ready Version 16.03.2017 * reorganized Customization options * separated options for Resume Home Search * improved related jobs display * improved support for regions * regions support for resumes * updated included plugins * single map on job doesn't require global map to be enabled * other minor fixes Version 28.02.2017 * header background fix for iOS devices * new [skill_categories] shortcode * fixed https issue with gmaps on contact page * fixed issue with empty icon on job categories * Alerts and Bookmarks links added to Navigation in WooCommerce Dashboard Version 1.4.6 01.02.2017 * RTL support * Fixed link to regions page when Region option is enabled * Fixed Pricing Tables float issue * Option to change order on Resume and Jobs page are now in Customize panel * Option to remove link to User Page in header * WooCommerce lightbox registration now redirects to dashboard * other small fixes and improvements Version 1.4.5 11.24.2016 * updated Visual Composer * fixed header padding on tablets * added search by radius for resumes * updated translations * fixed "search by keyword" * fixed search on company pages * added support for region archive * fixed issue with wrong redirection on login Version 1.4.3&1.4.4 11.08.2016 * set km or miles as default in radius search * two new maps with all jobs or all resumes, groups points with the exact same location * fixed featured resumes in sidebar on featured page * fixed cart issue with remove icon * fixed fitBounds error for resumes map * latest RevolutionSlider * other small improvements Version 1.4.2 10.27.2016 PERFORMANCE UPDATE! We've cleaned up and optimized code a bit, and now we're proud to say that according to GMetrix, WorkScout gets 92% score in PageSpeed and 89% in YSlow https://gtmetrix.com/reports/workscout.in/tPnZtnjt also 95 score in Pingdom https://tools.pingdom.com/#!/YrKjn/http://workscout.in (this happens with help of Autoptimize plugin for which we fixed the previous issue with CSS, and with use of CDN) Other fixes: * Fixed categories select on spotlight jobs and spotlights resumes * Updated API key requirements for Google Maps (Server key is not needed, you might need to generate new API key) * Fixed issue with front-end login/registration if header buttons are disabled * Fixed links in my-account for both roles * New options for "call to action" button in jobs/resumes header, now they are in Customize -> Jobs and Customize -> Resumes Version 1.4.1 10.03.2016 * New element [spotlight_resumes] - the same as job spotlights, but for resumes * New element [jobs_searchbox] - use the home page search banner on any other page with thtat shortcode * Fixed link to single job types * Fixed region dropdown width on mobile screens * Retina logo in transparent header * Related Jobs option * Revolution Slider can be now enabled on any page without the need to use Page Template for that * ..some smaller improvements Version 1.4 09.20.2016 * New transparent header! * Sticky header option! * New Icons set from https://www.iconsmind.com/ - 59$ worth of icons * New Icon Boxes element * Small CSS improvements and "refreshments" * Spotlight Jobs supports now autoplay and selectings Jobs by ID * Fixed Apply with XING modal box * Option to disable rounded photos on resume page, fixing problem with cropping * Visual Composer now available on resumes, * Search by radius can now have default value (it will give you better search results, but might quickly use your free API calls) * Regions dropdown now uses type search * Fixed coupon code on cart page Version 1.3.2 08.16.2016 * Added tags dynamic widgets for Job Tags add-on * Resume autosuggestions on Template: Page with Resumes Search * If you search by distance the jobs are ordered by the distance * Fixed shop page and Pricing Tables Version 1.3.1 08.04.2016 * options for single job maps in Customize -> Jobs * fixed API notice link in dashboard now points to online documentation Version 1.3 08.01.2016 * added map functionality! * linkedin share url * fixed resume double rate field bug * [counters] shortcode can automatically show number of jobs,resumes, employers and candidates * some small fixes Version 1.2.6 07.18.2016 * added excerpt to Job Listings (you can now use VC on jobs without the shortcodes on Browse Jobs problem) * fixed title on shop page * option to disable currency symbol * redirect user to appropriate dashboard also for WorkScout default registrations * fix on currency range * Google Maps API code * option to hide title bar per page Version 1.2.5 06.26.2016 * WooCommerce 2.6.1 compatibility * fixed "Your Order" on checkout page * fix for right side logo on job preview * shortcodes for resumes [resume_categories] and [box_resume_categories] - works the same as their "jobs" counterparts Version 1.2.4 06.15.2016 * WooCommerce 2.6 compatibility - WC since that version rebuilt the My Account page, which results in new navigation in that page, don't be scared by that * [jobs_categories] has now attribute jobs_counter="yes" to display number of jobs next to category name * new option in Customize -> Jobs to move company logo to right side, the logo is not cropped in that case * Sri Lankan currency added to the list * Fixed some functions to make them compatible with older versions of PHP --- Notice: With Registration type set to WooCommerce, there are now two new options that allow you to change the User Page button in header to either redirect to Candidate Dashboard or Employer Dashboard (that's based on role of current user) --- Version 1.2.3 05.27.2016 * fixed 'headers already sent' issue in customizer.php Version 1.2.2 05.26.2016 * re-done registration system now compatible with WooCommerce, Ultimate Members or other custom plugins * latest RevSlider * fixed issue with 'rate' not saved on resume submit * various small fixes Version 1.2.1 05.10.2016 * fixed sign up in modal box issue * added Envato Market plugin the right way * new shortcode [simple_resumes] for displaying simple list of resumes without the filters and form elements * newest Revolution Slider * [job_categories] now have new "type" - only_parents - displays only parent job categories * fix for recent_blog categories attribute * fix for salary filter - now it keeps all other filter parameters * all page templates now have header image option Version 1.2 - 04.21.2016 * fixed translation with updated .pot file - please use it to sync your translation * social share buttons on jobs and posts (enable in Customizer) * fixed Visual Composer elements with "wide" mode * single job uses H1 instead of H2 * fixed resume link on applications * new page template with resumes search (just like "Page with Job Search") * added compatibility with SB Welcome Email * registration form now generates password * latest updates of included plugins (please disable Visual Composer before updating it) * other small fixes and improvements Version 1.1 - 03.15.2016 * change and improved autocomplete script for job search * fixed issue with thumbnails in [latest_from_blog] shortcode * new User Page based on user role * fixed missing "lost password" in modal login box * fixed CSS job search issue on mobile * fixed 'reset' buttons on Job search filters * latest RevSlider and Visual Composer Version 1.0.9 - 03.01.2016 * fixed multiselect field in Application Form * fixed missing confirmation text after succesfull application * fixed issue with autocomplete html escaping * fixed URL for redirecting to candidate/employer panels * option to remove Rate field from Resumes * added suport for WP Job Manager - Predefined Regions - with dropdown select with location on homepage search * fixed issue with Resume Packages in shop page Version 1.0.8 - 02.19.2016 * add Bahrain Dinar to currency lists * fixed accordion shortcode conflict with jQuery UI * resume content now supports shortcodes * fixed resume browsing bug * fixed auto-suggest bug * disabling Salary and Rate filter also removes those fields from Job Submission form * added redirection after login according to user role (Employers go to Job Dashboard, Candidates to Candidate Dashboard) * updated Visual Composer * Resumes categories have now the same options as Job categories (icons, shortcodes etc) Version 1.0.7 - 02.08.2016 * update for WooCommerce 2.5.x * added widgetized areas before and after Job Overiew on single hob * Support for ReCaptcha on registration form - just install https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-captcha/ * added missing translations * WorkScout registration forms send now notification to admin and new user * fix for currencies on Post a Job * other minor improvements and fixes Version 1.0.5 - 01.14.2016 - new register system fixing issue with reset password - fixed some translation issues - fixed page header images (available for any page now) - added job types & job tags archives - fixed some issues on mobile devices - some small overall improvements and bugfixes Version 1.0.4 - 12.16.2015 - controls for default sidebar elements (Location, Job Type) - fix bug for single job if bookmarks plugin is not installed - added option to add mini cart in a header - fixed results counter on jobs search page and job categories - added default archive for jobs - more responsive tables in cart and checkout pages - fix issue with modal login and sign up - some other small improvements and bug fixes - include Envato Market WordPress plugin - update for RevSlider and Web Fonts Social Icons plugin - displaying expiration date is now optional - better support for Applications Deadline add-on Version 1.0.3 - 12.08.2015 - fix for spotlight_jobs shorcode - checked and improved of most of custom VC elements - fixed integration with Indeed - fixed [past_applications] - fix for bug with some shortcodes if categories are disabled - fix for password reset - fix for salary and rate not saved on Post a job page - new import.xml - new version of Purethemes Shortcode builder plugin - updated Visual Composer - included Child Theme Version 1.0.2 - 11.27.2015 * added Companies profile pages * added redirect field for Jobs if the applying process is on external website * fixed import file for revslider * option to disable call to action button "post a job" and "post a resume" * fixed search by keyword on resumes * fixed typography options * improved process of registration and login - users are no more redirected to wp-admin/wp-login * fixed currency on rate/salary slider * jobs have "new" tag for first 48 hours * fixed problem with downloading attachments from applications
Photos and images from demo are not included as they are copyrighted.
This is WordPress conversion of WorkScout – Multi-Purpose eCommerce HTML Template by Vasterad
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