Beautiful with small glitches
By geqo, 2017-03-14
via wordpress.org
I’m very impressed with how beautiful it looks! Unfortunately there are a few small glitches:
1. If the website title is too long, or has words that are too long individually (“Edenvale Therapy” in my case), the words get cut off on mobile view (“Edenva Therap”)
2. The sections for entering social media links in the theme settings are all commented as “Enter the URL for your Facebook Page?”
3. Despite entering the correct link for my Twitter page, the theme appends the URL of the current page to the beginning of the link – I get “http://edenvaletherapy.co.za/contact-us/www.twitter.com/edenvaletherapy”
I should note that the Facebook link itself worked perfectly, and I haven’t tested the other social media platform links.
Beyond these, I am thrilled with how good the page looks with minimal effort on my part! Thank you for the great work!
Update destroyed site
By Jeff Cohan, 2016-08-25
via wordpress.org
Updating from 1.1.1 to 2.03 destroyed my site by overriding settings in Theme Options. And I’m even using a child theme. This is a huge #FAIL in my opinion.
Original template
By Nilao, 2016-04-11
via wordpress.org
I use this free template one of my clients, avenue good template.
Great work
Great theme and awesome support
By 4terine, 2016-02-25
via wordpress.org
This is the second website I build and the first with a Smartcat theme. The theme is easy to use and has a great value of how much you can customized for your money.
But even more, I was astonished at what a good service the support team gives! Quick to respond, very helpfull, extremely patient with “website builder newbies”
No hyperlinks in slider
By bcarney, 2016-02-11
via wordpress.org
Looks like a nice theme, but can’t hyperlink the image, or any of the text in the slider on the main page. That is unfortunate – I’ll have to look for other themes.
Unstable Display Behavior!!
By nizestuff, 2015-08-25
via wordpress.org
I love the design as it is one of the more unique concepts. However, the real installation does not have the same outcome as the demo.
My first problem encountered was to get the homepage widgets to behave like what we see on the demo site. The demo site had posts with images. So I created a few posts with featured images. It appeared but the height of widget was truncated so you see only a portion of the image and content.
Finally I decided to remove all the contents from the homepage widgets and re-add just one item eg Avenue Recent Articles (posts) and this time it worked! The images and content display well. But after a few refresh, the problem happened again. So I had to remove and re-add, then it solves it. Tried adding another homepage widget (there are 3 altogether – top, middle and bottom) and it worked for once and then after some page refresh, BAM, back to the same problem – contents are truncated!
Using Chrome, I turned on the Inspect Element and compared the demo to the real thing – they are different codes it seem. The real thing displays codes of the posts and sets the height at 30 when the problem happens. The demo site doesnt even show the height of the posts – it is only the div that is showing and it is stable despite refreshing.
When my install is working, the affected line shows this:
<div class=”col-sm-3″ style=”height: 263px;”>
After a refresh, when the problem happens, the very same line changes to this:
<div class=”col-sm-3″ style=”height: 30px;”>
And the problem is quite easily replicated. Each time I access the page from fresh eg type into browser the url, it works. Press F5, BAM, the truncation sets in.
Hope they are concerned enough to advise.
nice theme
By tungvu258, 2015-06-25
via wordpress.org
Clean, simple, and lightweight. Support is great
nice looking theme
By brunodiaz, 2014-07-25
via wordpress.org
Great theme.
By Pepper 78, 2014-07-25
via wordpress.org
Thank you for the great looking theme! Also the support is fantastic and very helpful!
Works great
By drem91, 2014-07-25
via wordpress.org
nice theme
By frankoil, 2014-07-25
via wordpress.org
very nice and beautiful theme
Nice Theme
By tenbuh, 2014-07-25
via wordpress.org
Clean, simple, and lightweight. Support is great and theme author is actively working on fixing issues and adding enhancements.