- Customer Rating:
- Created: 2016-04-06
- Last Update: 2020-05-09
- Downloads: 167 (view statisticsnew)
- Available at: templatemonster.com
Description by Author
Editorso is a 100% GPL writer WordPress template that is best suited for blogs and online portfolios. Pre-loaded with WordPress live customizer, the template can be tweaked effortlessly, without touching a line of code. Layout structure, widgets positioning, location of the key navigation elements, etc. - everything can be managed by simply dragging and dropping. This SEO-friendly template was powered with advanced Bootstrap 3 functionality, which ensures that all of your site's content will seamlessly adjust to any screen size. Traditionally, the theme was coded with valid HTML and CSS practices. A detailed documentation folder as well as free 24/7 support are included.

Theme category
Software Required
Adobe Photoshop CS+, Apache Server, For uncompressing a template ZIP package: WinZip 9+ (Windows); Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac), WordPress 4.2.x-4.6.x, WordPress 4.2.x-4.7.x
Sources Available
.PSD, .PHP, This theme is widgetized
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WordPress Theme Installation / Wordpress Migration / Transfer / Cloning / Change Domain
Our Services as follows:
- WordPress Installation. Free
- Installation of Themeforest theme $49
- Installation of Templatemonster theme $39
- Adding plugins to WordPress $29
- Renaming menu $45
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