- Customer Rating:
- Last Update: 2016-11-18
- Downloads: 0 (view statisticsnew)
- Available at: rockettheme.com
Description by Author
The Fusion Menu is an advanced, CSS based menu system, which offers a wide range of per menu options, such as: inline subtext, icons, and custom column widths, as well as control over how menu items are distributed between columns.
Fresco's responsive grid system is designed for desktops, tablets and mobiles, each with minor modifications to ensure compatibility in each. Twitter's Bootstrap Framework is used to provide a great degree of flexibility for a responsive design.
RokSprocket is a revolutionary plugin for WordPress designed to give you an incredible level of control over how you present your content. Sophisticated content filters, robust layout modes, multiple content providers, and a streamlined no-nonsense interface.
The most prominently styled layout of RokSprocket with Fresco is Features. The layout showcases a splendid combination of text and images with navigation arrows for multiple content viewing. It is fully responsive and conforms easily to the mobile view.
Tabs is an additional RokSprocket layout that has Fresco styling. It is a simple layout that displays content in tabs. The tabs can be located to the top, bottom, left, or right of the content. Tabs is perfect for displaying voluminous content within a small space.
RokAjaxSearch is a configurable search plugin that uses AJAX to load search results in real time via styled popup. It can be set to local searches or through Google, which includes image, video, blog and normal web search options.
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WordPress Theme Installation / Wordpress Migration / Transfer / Cloning / Change Domain
Our Services as follows:
- WordPress Installation. Free
- Installation of Themeforest theme $49
- Installation of Templatemonster theme $39
- Adding plugins to WordPress $29
- Renaming menu $45
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