- Customer Rating:
- Created: 2016-04-22
- Last Update: 2020-04-16
- Downloads: 164 (view statisticsnew)
- Available at: templatemonster.com
Description by Author
This bright blog-centric Travel WP Theme is fully compliant with the GPL 3.0 license, which means you are allowed to use it on an unlimited number of websites. It is professionally composed using flat monochromatic content blocks, and the same colorful rectangular buttons. This theme offers you a choice of several header, footer and sidebar styles, as well as two blog layouts including mega popular grid and masonry. You can diversify your content with the help of 8 post formats enhanced by a collection of Google Web Fonts. Also this travel theme is integrated with the top social media networks via various buttons and widgets. Check out the live demo to see it in action.

Theme category
Advanced Theme Options calendar Commenting System Crossbrowser Compatibility dropdown menu Favicon google web fonts sample content Social Options Tag Cloud MailChimp Ready Template Facebook Like Box Instagram Board twitter feed admin panel responsive retina ready Search Engine Friendly wpml ready Cherry Framework 5 Ecwid Ready
Software Required
Adobe Photoshop CS+, Apache Server, For uncompressing a template ZIP package: WinZip 9+ (Windows); Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac), WordPress 4.2.x-4.6.x, WordPress 4.2.x-4.7.x
Sources Available
.PSD, .PHP, This theme is widgetized
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WordPress Theme Installation / Wordpress Migration / Transfer / Cloning / Change Domain
Our Services as follows:
- WordPress Installation. Free
- Installation of Themeforest theme $49
- Installation of Templatemonster theme $39
- Adding plugins to WordPress $29
- Renaming menu $45
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